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great dane & english mastiff health risks

Giant breed dogs, like english mastiffs and great danes, require some special attention and owners should be well informed regarding health risks associated with their breed.

Here are some links to sites containing information on common giant breed health problems:

puppy care
nutrition and feeding
giant breed growth
great dane/mastiff health
training large breed dogs
behavior & training
responsible breeding


Deep-chested breeds, like great danes and mastiffs, are highly susceptible to bloat (or torsion), a condition where the stomach fills with gas, twists, and kills the dog if untreated immediately. Nutrition, feeding practices and genetics play a role in determining risk and prevention of bloat. More information can be found on the following sites:


bone and joint diseases

Several bone diseases can affect giant breed dogs. Information on symptoms and prevention can be found on the following sites:

other disorders & information

great dane and mastiff health insurance


greatdanelady.com guide to recognizing bone diseases by linda arndt, canine nutritional consultant.
skeletal diseases of the growing dog nutritional influences and the role of diet.
hip dysplasia more in-depth information on hip dysplasia

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